Landets førende og absolut største professionelle virksomhedsmægler i SMV-segmentet – din garanti for en seriøs formidlingsproces siden 1997.

Producer/Distributor of Food Products

The company Is a Danish producer and distributor of food products within a particular area. The products are exported to several European countries.
Growth and development have characterized the company through the years. Based on a consistent focus, good customer-relations, optimization of the production facilities and knowledge, the company has built a strong market position as one of the leading companies within the business area.
Although the company is well-established it still contains a great potential for further growth. An expanding of the current product range is among the development opportunities.

Referencenummer: VBS0783

Geografi: Region Hovedstaden

Hovedbranche: Engroshandel og detailhandel

Underbranche: Ikke-specialiseret engroshandel med føde-, drikke- og tobaksvarer


Mægler: Frank Kirk

Telefon: +45 48 80 20 14


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